MICROSOFT EXCEL (BASIC)
1.       There are different field in MICROSOFT EXCEL, the most upper toolbar is call quick access tool bar.
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2.       Under this toolbar you will find different types of TABs like File, Insert, Page layout, Data, Review and View. Older version of Microsoft Excel 2007 and 2003, these tabs were call as Menu bar.
Menu bar
3.       In each Tab there are many commands groups, for example in Home tab you will find many groups (Clipboard, Font, Paragraph, Styles and Editing). In each groups there are certain types of commands. For example, in Clipboard group (Paste, Cut, Copy and format Painter)

Microsoft Excel
4.       Below command groups, there is Name Box. It shows where is your cursor in excel page, in which cell you are. As you can see below cell is selected by E column and 5 Row. Name box is representing E5
Microsoft Excel
5.       After Name Box, you will find formula bar, formula bar is used to apply formula in cell. This can be minimized and maximized after click below sign to formula bar.
microsoft excel
6.       Below formulae bar A, B, C, D that are called Column Name and left side 1,2,3,4 that are called Rows name. If you click any of column Name, the whole column will be selected same as applied to Rows. If you select any Row name, the whole Row will be selected.

microsoft excel
7.       In the bottom of page, there are sheets (sheet 1, sheet 2 and sheet 3). If you click on + sign it will increment of sheets.
microsoft Excel
If you want to see all sheet name in one location, there is an arrow sign left side of sheet name. Just right click on it. It will show all sheet name.
Microsoft Excel
8.       In right bottom side of sheet, there is Screen Zoom scroll bar. That can minimize and maximized after clicking – and + signs. But by this only sheet will be minimize and maximize. All Tabs will be same.
Microsoft Excel
9.       There are also two scroll bar, Vertical Scroll Bar and Horizontal Scroll Bar. That are used for screen backward and forward, Screen up and Screen down.
Microsoft Excel
10.   There is up right side of workbook. Three buttons for minimize and maximize of page, restore and close workbook.
11.   Left side of screen, there is File tab if click of on you will find some certain options (save, open, save as etc). In some version of Microsoft excel, this tab was not present. It was as office button.
Fill button
12.   In last but not least, if you want write anything on excel sheet. How will you write? It is very simple. Just click on any cell where do you want to write. And type from your keyboard what you want.
Note: This is workbook. Let me tell you what exactly workbook is. Workbook is collection of sheets which contains data.

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